Ph. D. in Statistics, National Central University
Specialized fields : Financial Risk Management , Statistics , Quantitative Finance
校內分機 : 3633
辦公室 : 3204
電子郵件 :
研究室 : 3204
Rong-Huei Hou, Sy-Yen Kuo, Ing-Yi Chen and Yi-Ping Chang. (1994.11). “Optimal release policies for Hyper-geometric distribution software reliability growth model with scheduled delivery time”. The Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, pp.445-452, Tokyo, Japan.[審稿]
Rong-Huei Hou, Sy-Yen Kuo and Yi-Ping Chang. (1994.12). “Applying various learning curves to Hyper- geometric distribution software reliability growth model”. Proceeding of the 5th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, pp.8-17, Monterey, California. [EI][審稿]
Rong-Huei Hou, Sy-Yen Kuo and Yi-Ping Chang. (1995.10). “Hyper-Geometric distribution software reliability growth model with imperfect debugging”. Proceeding of the 6th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, pp.195-200, Toulouse, France.[EI] [審稿]
Rong-Huei Hou, Sy-Yen Kuo and Yi-Ping Chang. (1995.12). “Optimal allocation of testing resources for software module testing”. Proceeding of National Computer Symposium, pp.932-939, Taiwan. [審稿]
Rong-Huei Hou, Sy-Yen Kuo and Yi-Ping Chang. (1996.11). “Efficient allocation of testing resources for software module testing based on the Hyper-Geometric distribution software reliability growth model”. Proceeding of the 7th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, pp.289-298, New. York.(Best Paper Award)[EI][審稿]
Rong-Huei Hou, Sy-Yen Kuo and Yi-Ping Chang. (1996.12). “Cost-reliability optimal software release policy under penalty cost based on the HGDM”. Proceeding of International Conference on distributed system, software engineering and database system, pp.264-270, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. [審稿]
Ming-Chin Hung, Yi-Ping Chang and Huimei Liu (2007.7), “Comparing Portfolio Credit Risk Methods on Diversification Effect,” American Statistical Association, Salt Lake City, USA.
Yi-Ping Chang, Ming-Chin Hung and Che-Cheng Liu (2007.11), “Analytical Approximation Method of Collateralized Debt Obligation Pricing in One-Factor Models,” 2007 International Conference on Convergence Information Technology(ICCIT 2007), Pusan, Korea.
Chang Y.-P., Hung M.-C. and Ko Y.-C. (2008.3), “Pricing Credit Default Swaption Using a Multinomial Tree,” International Conference MAF 2008, Venice, Italy.
Yang, Sharon S., Yi-Pi Chang and Yu-Yun Yeh (2008.7), “A Residual Bootstrapped Analysis of Lee-Carter Model in Mortality Forecasting,” 12th APRIA Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia.
Wen-Tao Huang and Yi-Ping Chang. (1993.6). “Nonparametric estimation in change point models”. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol.35, pp.335-347. [SCI-EXPANDED]
Rong-Huei Hou, Sy-Yen Kuo and Yi-Ping Chang. (1996.12).” Needed resources for software module test, using the Hyper-Geometric software reliability growth model”. IEEE Trans. On Reliability, Vol. 45, pp.541-549. [EI]
Rong-Huei Hou, Sy-Yen Kuo and Yi-Ping Chang. (1996.12). “Optimal release policy for hyper-geometric distribution software reliability growth model”. IEEE Trans. On Reliability, Vol. 45, pp.646-651. [EI]
Rong-Huei Hou, Sy-Yen Kuo and Yi-Ping Chang. (1997. 2). “Optimal release times for software systems with scheduled delivery time based on HGDM”. IEEE Trans. On Computers, Vol. 46, pp.216-221. [SCI][EI]
Yi-Ping Chang and Wen-Tao Huang. (1997.3). “Inference for the linear errors-in-variables with changepoint models”. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 92, pp.171-178. [SCI][SSCI]
Yi-Ping Chang. (2000.8), “An alternative reliability evaluation of nonhomogeneous Poisson process models for software reliability”. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol. 17, pp.800-811.
Yi-Ping Chang and Wen-Tao Huang. (2000.10). “Generalized confidence intervals for the largest value of some functions of parameters under normality”. Statistica Sinica, Vo1.10, No.4, 10, pp.1369-1383 [SCI]
Yi-Ping Chang and Wen-Tao Huang. (2001.8). “Generalized subset selection procedure under heteroscedasticity”. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol.98, pp.239-258. [SCI-EXPANDED]
Yi-Ping Chang. (2001.9).” Estimation of parameters for nonhomogeneous Poisson process software reliability with chang-point model”. Communications in Statistics : Simulation and Computation, Vol.30, pp.623-635. [SCI-EXPANDED]
Yi-Ping Chang, Ming-Chin Hung, and Yi-Fang Wu. (2003.12). Nonparametric estimation for risk in Value-at-Risk Estimator. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, Vol.32, pp.1041-1064. [SCI-EXPANDED]
Wen-Tao Huang and Yi-Ping Chang, (2005. ), “Some empirical Bayes rules for selecting the best population with multiple criteria”, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,(Accepted). [SCI-EXPANDED]
Yi-Ping Chang, Ming-Chin Hung, H. Liu and J. F. Jan (2005.12), “Testing Symmetry of a NIG Distribution,” Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 34(4), p.851-862.[SCI]
Chung-Gee Lin, Yi-Ping Chang and Yong-Chun Lin (2006.6), “An Efficient GARCH Options Pricing Model - a Gaussian Quadrature Approach,” Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, 44(2), p.171-186.[EconLit][JEL][ e-JEL]
Wen-Tao Huang and Yi-Ping Chang (2006.7), “Some Empirical Bayes Rules for Selecting the Best Population with Multiple Criteria,” Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136(7), p.2129-2143.[SCI]
Yi-Ping Chang, Wen-Tao Huang and Hsiuying Wang (2008.1), “ ε-admissible estimators for normal and Poisson means,” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 37(8), p.1181-1192.[SCI]
M.K.P. So, C.W.S. Chen, J.Y. Lee and Y.P. Chang (2008.2), “An empirical evaluation of fat-tailed distributions in modeling financial time series,” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 77, p.96-108.[SCI]
Chang, Yi-Ping and Ming-Chin Hung (2008.3), “Concentration effect in a credit risky portfolio,” Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, 46(1), p.7-21.[EconLit]