Ph. D. in Finance, National Central University
Specialized fields : Financial Engineering, Option Pricing Theory, Financial Computation, Financial Management
校內分機 : 3629
辦公室 : 2338
電子郵件 :
研究室 : 2338
Integer Programming - Theory and Practice, Chapter 5, Airline scheduling models and solution algorithms for the temporary closure of airports. (2006, with Shangyao Yan, invited article, edited by John K. Karlof, CRC Press, ISBN:0-8493-1914-5)
Lin, Chung-Gee, Chuang-Chang Chang, and Min-Teh Yu, (2003) “The Valuation of A Euro-Convertible Bond,” 2003 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering, Hong Kong, Proceedings, 115-122. (CIFEr, ISBN: 0-7803-7654-4, recorded in EI)
Lin, Chung-Gee (2006) “An Efficient GARCH Option Pricing Model,” The 2006 IAENG International Workshop on Financial Engineering, Hong Kong, Proceedings, 402-407, ISBN-10: 988-98671-3-3, ISBN-13: 978-988-98671-3-3. (International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2006, June 20-22, 2006; 補助機構:Taiwan NSC)
Lin, Chung-Gee, (2006) “Dynamic Asset Allocation under Stochastic Volatility - Theory and Practice,” 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance (CIEF2006), Proceedings, 301-304. (Recorded in EI, ISBN: 978-90-78677-01-7)
Yan, Shangyao and Chung-Gee Lin (1997), “Airline Scheduling for the Temporary Closure of Airports,” Transportation Science, 31(1), 72-82. (Recorded in SSCI, SCI, and EI)
Yan, Shangyao and Chung-Gee Lin (1997), “Multi-Fleet Scheduling Models for the Temporary Closure of Airports,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, 9(4), 679-686.
陳妙珍、顏上堯、林忠機 (1996),“模糊多屬性決策於股票評選之應用,” 管理學報,第十三卷,第二期,227-248頁。(Recorded in TSSCI)
顏上堯、林忠機 (1996),“因應機場突然且暫時關閉之系統性飛航排程,” 運輸計劃季刊,第二十五卷,第二期,289-316頁。(Recorded in TSSCI)
張傳章、巫昆忠、林忠機 (2000),“貸款保證組合之研究,” 財務金融學刊 (原「中國財務學刊」),8(1), 67-100. (Recorded in TSSCI,台灣財務金融學會出版)
Huang, Chih-Jen and Chung-Gee Lin (2002), “The Securitization of Catastrophe Insurance,” Industry Forum, 3(2), 67-82.
Tsao, Cheuh-Yung, Chuang-Chang Chang, and Chung-Gee Lin (2003), “Analytic Approximation Formulae for Pricing Forward-Starting Asian Options,” Journal of Futures Markets, 23(5), 487-516. (Recorded in SSCI, JEL, EconLit, and FLI)
Tsai, Hsien-Tang, Chung-Gee Lin, and Leo Huang (2004), “A study of the option pricing method in the agency problem between airlines and travel agents,” Journal of Air Transport Management, 10(2), 151-160. (Recorded in SSCI and EI)
Chang, Chuang-Chang, San-Lin Chung, Chung-Gee Lin (2004), “Enhancing the Computational Efficiency for the Monte Carlo Simulation Approach,” Taiwan Academy of Management Journal, 4(2), 123-140.
Tsai, Hsien-Tang, Leo Huang, and Chung-Gee Lin (2005), “Emerging E-Commerce Development Model for Taiwanese Travel Agencies,” Tourism Management, 26(5), 787-796. (Recorded in SSCI)
林忠機*、張傳章、陳依仁 (2005),“天然資源專案投資計畫之評價 - 動態選擇權模擬法,” 證券市場發展季刊--財務工程與金融創新專刊,17(4),87-120 (Recorded in TSSCI,證券暨期貨市場發展基金會2006年一月出版,國科會專題計畫NSC91-2416-H-031-009)。
Tsai, Hsien-Tang, Leo Huang and Chung-Gee Lin (2005.10), “Emerging E-Commerce Development Model for Taiwanese Travel Agencies,” Tourism Management, 26(5), p.787-796.[SSCI] 林忠機、莊聲和、李景揚 (2006.6),「附最低保證變額壽險於退休金市場之應用」,保險專刊,第22卷,第1期,頁19-44。
Lin, Chung-Gee, Yi-Ping Chang and Yong-Chun Lin (2006.6), “An Efficient GARCH Options Pricing Model - A Gaussian Quadrature Approach,” Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, 44(2), p.171-187.[EconLit][JEL][ e-JEL]
Huang, Leo and Lin, Chung-Gee (2006.9), “An Option Pricing Approach for Evaluating Agency Problems with Jump Risks between Travel Agents and Airlines,” Tourism Economics, 12(3), p.383-401.[EconLit][JEL]
Huang, Chih-Jen and Chung-Gee Lin (2007.9), “Earnings Management in Lockup Periods and Insider Trading: Evidence from Taiwan,” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 43(5), p.78-91. [SSCI]
Wang, Yu-Shan, Chung-Gee Lin and, Shih-Chieh Shih (2010) “The Dynamic Relationship between Agricultural Futures and Agriculture Index in China” China Agricultural Economic Review, (Recorded in SCI and SSCI, forthcoming)
Lin, Chung-Gee and, Yu-Shan Wang (2012) “Evaluating Natural Resource Projects with Embedded Options and Limited Reserves,” Applied Economics, 44(12), pp.1471-1482. [SSCI, leading article]
Lin, Chung-Gee , Wei-Ning Yang and, Shu-Chuan Chen (2014) “Analyses of Retirement Benefits with Options,” Economic Modelling 36, pp.130-135. [SSCI]
林忠機、陳淑娟 (2014),「退休金選擇權評價之研究」,壽險管理,第27期,頁117-140。
Lin, Chung-Gee, Chang-Chieh Hsieh and Shun Wang (2014), “Analytic Approximation Formulae for Minimum Rate of Return Guarantees under GARCH,” Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, 52(3), pp.300-335. [EconLit, JEL, leading article] Chang-Chieh Hsieh, Chung-Gee Lin, and Max Chen (2014) “Empirical Performance of Covered-Call Strategy under Stochastic Volatility in Taiwan,” Soochow Journal of Economics and Business, 84, 25-46。
Chang, Chuang-Chang and Chung-Gee Lin, “Simulation and Early Exercise Problem: the Case of Options on Minimum or Maximum of two Risky Assets,” 7th Conference on the Theories and Practices of the Financial Markets, December 1998, National Sun Yat-San University, Taiwan (1998,審稿)
Yu, Min-Teh and Chung-Gee Lin, “Reset Warrants Pricing and Reset Terms,” 50th Anniversary Meeting of the Midwest Finance Association, USA (2001,審稿)
Yu, Min-Teh, Chuang-Chang Chang, Chung-Gee Lin, “Valuing A Euro-Convertible Bond,” 10th Conference on the Theories and Practices of the Financial Markets, December 2001, National Sun Yat-San University, Taiwan (2001,審稿)
Chang, Chuang-Chang, Cheuh-Yung Tsao, and Chung-Gee Lin, “Analytic Approximation Formulae for Pricing Forward-starting Asian Options,” Proceedings of PACAP/FMA Finance conference, Seoul, Korea (2001,審稿)
林忠機、張傳章、俞明德,“Valuing A Euro-Convertible Bond,” 2002海峽兩岸財經與商學研討會,東吳大學,台北 (2002,審稿)
Chang, Chuang-Chang, Chung-Gee Lin, Jia-Jun Xiao “The Valuation of Option Features in Retirement Benefits with Stochastic Interest Rate and Jump Risks,” Taiwan Finance Association, The Academic Conference of Finance 2002, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan (2002,審稿)
Lin, Chung-Gee, and Chuang-Chang Chang, “The Valuations of Retirement Benefits and Their Embedded Options with Stochastic Interest Rate and Jump Risks,” 2002年管理新思維學術研討會,台灣科技大學,台北 (2002,審稿)
Lin, Chung-Gee, and Chuang-Chang Chang, “The Valuation of Retirement Benefits with Embedded Options under Stochastic Interest Rate and Jump Risks,” 11th Conference on the Theories and Practices of the Financial Markets, December 2002, National Sun Yat-San University, Taiwan (2002,審稿)
Lin, Chung-Gee, and Chuang-Chang Chang, “The Valuation of Retirement Benefits with Embedded Options under Stochastic Interest Rate and Jump Risks,” 財經情勢及衍生性產品研討會,交通大學,新竹 (2002,邀稿)
Lin, Chung-Gee, Leo Huang, Tsai-Ching Lai, “Option Pricing Method Application in the Analysis of Agency Problem between Airlines and Travel Agencies,” AsianFA/TFA/FMA 2003 Conference, Taiwan. (亞洲財務學會/台灣財務金融學會/美國財務管理學會2003年國際聯合財務金融保險學術研討會,審稿) 林忠機,陳孟麟,“可轉換公司債與其內含選擇權之評價—考慮隨機利率與信用風險,” 第五屆「學術暨實務研討會」論文集,實踐大學管理學院,台北 (2003,審稿)
Lin, Chung-Gee, Leo Huang, Tsai-Ching Lai, “Option Pricing Method Application in the Analysis of Agency Problem between Airlines and Travel Agencies,” The Third International Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance, USA (CIEF’2003,接受,審稿)
Lin, Chung-Gee, Leo Huang, Tsai-Ching Lai, “Option Pricing Method Application in the Analysis of Agency Problem between Airlines and Travel Agencies,” AsianFA/TFA/FMA 2003-2004 Conference, Taiwan. (2004,審稿)
Lin, Chung-Gee, “Evaluating Natural Resource Investments: A Dynamic Option Simulation Approach,” The 12th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Business, Bangkok, Thailand (August 10-11, 2004, 補助機構:NSC of Taiwan, 後續收錄於專書:CD Conference Proceedings (ISBN: 947-667-456-4))
Leo Huang, Chung-Gee Lin, “An Option Pricing Approach for Evaluating Agency Problems with Jump Risks,” 第一屆創新與管理學術研討會,實踐大學,台北 (2004,December,審稿)
Lin, Chung-Gee, “Evaluating Natural Resource Investments: A Dynamic Option Simulation Approach,” 2004 NTU International Conference on Finance (2004,December,審稿)
Lin, Chung-Gee, “An Efficient GARCH Option Pricing Model,” The 2006 IAENG International Workshop on Financial Engineering, Hong Kong (2006國際財務工程研討會,June 20-22, 2006, 補助機構:NSC of Taiwan)
Lin, Chung-Gee, “Dynamic Asset Allocation under Stochastic Volatility - Theory and Practice,” 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance (CIEF2006), Kaohsiung, Taiwan (2006.10.08 - 11,審稿)
Lin, Chung-Gee, “Analytic Solution for Asian Options with Stochastic Volatility,” The 19th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference (AFBC 2006), December 13-15, 2006, Sydney, Australia. (審稿,補助機構:Taiwan NSC)
Lin, Chung-Gee, “Analytic Solution for Asian Options with Stochastic Volatility,” 2007台灣財務工程學會年會暨台灣期貨交易所十週年慶國際期貨研討會, 台北 (2007.07.16,審稿)
Lin, Chung-Gee, “Analysis of Retirement Benefits with Options,” Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association 11th Annual Conference (2007 APRIA Taipei Conference, July 22~25, National Chengchi University), Taiwan.
林忠機,“Analytic Approximation Solution for Asian Options with Stochastic Volatility,” 國立台灣科技大學第6屆管理新思維學術研討會,台北 (2007.11.02,審稿)
Chung-Gee Lin, Sharon S. Yang and Kan-Heng Lee(2007.12), Valuation of Equity Indexed Annuities Embedded Options under Stochastic Volatility Settings, the First Annual Meeting of Taiwan risk management and Insurance Association, Feng-chia University, Taiwan.
Chung-Gee Lin, Sharon S. Yang and Kan-Heng Lee (2007.6), Valuation of Equity Indexed Annuities Embedded Options under Stochastic Volatility Settings, 2007兩岸學術交流研討, Soochow University, Soochow City, China.
Chung-Gee Lin, Sharon S. Yang, and Kan-Heng Lee, “Analytic Approximation Solution for Minimum Rate of Return Guarantees under Stochastic Volatility,” The 2008 Winter Global Conference on Business and Finance, January 9-12, 2008, Hawaii, USA. (審稿,補助機構:Taiwan NSC)
Chung-Gee Lin, Shun Wang, “Analytic Approximation Formulae for Minimum Rate of Return Guarantees under GARCH,” 台北科技大學2008年服務創新與應用研討會,台北 (2008.11.07,審稿)
Chung-Gee Lin, and Tsung-Jung Kuo, “Analytic Solutions of Forward-starting Asian Options with Stochastic Volatility,” 淡江大學「2009海峽兩岸財金趨勢研討會」,台北 (2009.01.09,審稿)
Chung-Gee Lin, and Hung-Lun Yen, “Analytic Solutions for American Options with Stochastic Volatility,” 2010 第七屆金融市場與趨勢研討會,淡江大學,台北 (2010.03.05,審稿)
Chung-Gee Lin, and Hung-Lun Yen, “Analytic Solutions for American Options with Stochastic Volatility,” 2010海峽兩岸及東亞地區財經與商學研討會 ,東吳大學,台北 (2010.03.19,邀稿)
Chung-Gee Lin, Chih-Jen Huang, and Shun Wang, “Analytic Approximation Formulae for Minimum Rate of Return Guarantees under GARCH,” The 2010 International Conference in Management Sciences and Decision Making, Tamkang University, Taipei. (2010.05.22,審稿)
Chung-Gee Lin, and Hung-Lun Yen, “Analytic Solutions for American Options with Stochastic Volatility,” The 2010 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2010), Kitakyushu, Japan (July 5-7, 2010,審稿)
Chung-Gee Lin, and Chiao-Hsin Sun, “Analytical Solution for American Options with Stochastic Volatility Using Barrier Option Model,” 2011年財務工程與保險精算研討會,台北 (2011.04.02,審稿)
Chung-Gee Lin, Wei-Ning Yang and Shu-Chuan Chen, “Analytic Approximate Solutions for American Options with Stochastic Volatility and Empirical Tests in Taiwan,” 2012 Conference on East Asia Finance, Taipei, Taiwan (May 26-27, 2012,審稿,主持人,評論人,發表人)
Chung-Gee Lin, and Chiao-Hsin Sun, “Analytical Approximate Solutions for American Options with Stochastic Volatility Using Barrier Option Models,” The 2012 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2012), Sapporo, Japan (July 3-5, 2012,審稿)
Chung-Gee Lin, and Chiao-Hsin Sun, “Stochastic Volatility American Options under Barrier Options Models,” Asian Finance Association and Taiwan Finance Association 2012 Joint International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (July 6-9, 2012,審稿)
Chung-Gee Lin, Max Chen and Chang-Chieh Hsieh, “Empirical Performance of Alternative Futures Covered-Call Strategies under Stochastic Volatility,” Asian Finance Association and Taiwan Finance Association 2012 Joint International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (July 6-9, 2012,審稿)
Chung-Gee Lin, Max Chen and Chang-Chieh Hsieh, “Empirical Performance of Alternative Futures Covered-Call Strategies under Stochastic Volatility,” 2013行為財務學暨國際金融市場理論與實證研討會,台北,世新大學財金系 (2013.01.05,審稿)
林忠機、莊碩玨,“Analytical Approximate Solutions for American Guarantees with Stochastic Volatility and Stochastic Interest Rates,” 2013年財務工程與精算科學研討會,台北 (2013.05.28,審稿)
Chung-Gee Lin and Chang-Chieh Hsieh, “Option Pricing and Empirical Analysis under Approximate Solutions,” 2014行為財務學暨國際金融市場理論與實證研討會,台北,世新大學財金系 (2014.03.15,審稿)
Lin, Chung-Gee, (2001) “Monte Carlo Simulation Approach: Applications for Pricing Financial Derivatives,” Ph. D. Thesis, Department of Finance, National Central University, Taiwan.
2004 NTU International Conference on Finance, National Taiwan University, Taipei (2004, December)
2005第二屆財務金融及財金未來學術暨實務研討會,淡江大學,台灣 (2005, January)
2007國立台灣科技大學第6屆管理新思維學術研討會,台北 (2007.11.02)
2010 第七屆金融市場與趨勢研討會,淡江大學,台灣 (2010.03.05)
2010國立台灣科技大學第9屆管理新思維學術研討會,台北 (2010.11.05)
2011行為財務學暨新興市場理論與實證研討會,台北,世新大學財金系 (2011.01.08)
「An Outline on Financial Computation」,高雄第一科技大學財務管理系 (2004, March)
「A Study on the Pricing of Complex Derivatives: Financial Numerical Methods」,政治大學財務管理系 (2004, November) 「Numerical Methods in Financial Engineering」,台灣大學數學系 (2005.11.07)
「衍生性商品之訂價」,淡江會計系 (2006.05.05)
「Valuations of Options – Analytic and Numerical Solutions」,高雄第一科技大學金融營運系 (2006.10.19)
「選擇權訂價 - 分析解與數值解」,真理大學管科所(2008.03.05)
「Financial Engineering and Mathematics」,成功大學數學系 (2008.10.02)